In the Fond memory of the Founding Fathers

Amidst the aura of merriment and enthusiasm, our college celebrated Founder’s Day on 31st July, 2017, which involved Inter-Faith Prayer Service on the occasion of the feast of St Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of Jesuits. The assembly was graced by the presence of Rev. Fr. Anthony J. D’Souza S.J. (Rector).The gathering of the Founder’s Day bloomed in the colors of diversity evoking universal consciousness and harmony. The service being organized by DIRS and AICUF in sheer synergy incorporated the idea of EGO TO ECO.
The congregation expressed support and solidarity for inspiring discourse of the presider of the Eucharist encouraging collective wellbeing while the AICUF Choir offered their services singing hymns and leading attendees in a meditative bliss.
The members of the Department Of Inter-Religious Studies led by Father Prashant Olalekar, impersonated Heads of different religions as Chritianity, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Islam & Jainism and confidently declared the sacredness of nature in reference to the basic principles of their respective religions.
Father Roy rendered a powerful musical performance signifying harmony with environment and humanity while illuminating the importance of Inclusion on Campus of students with varying abilities, perspectives and inclinations through an enthralling speech.
Event praised, memorialized and celebrated the interpretation of unity with mother Earth against the trend of competition and exploitation. Realization dawned upon the heeder that nature is greater than humans. It is the generous force which ignites creation. It’s the unison of soul with the nature which makes the pursuit fruitful and gives birth to imagination. Zenith of human development is the ability to nurture nature so the children of the future can be cared in wholeness of co-operation.
It was a cosmic experience making us one with the stars dancing to the celestial rhythm. Sacrifices of nature remain silent. Let the music of peace be heard for eternity on the land of earth and cradle of humanity. The integration of difference unites us with the core values of equality. Happy Feast.